


July, 2014 · By Justin Bengry

I write for both academic and popular audiences and my writing has appeared in publications ranging from scholarly journals to international newspapers. 

My scholarly articles and reviews of new books have appeared in leading journals such as History Workshop Journal, the Journal of British Studies, Media History, the Journal of the History of Sexuality and others. My work on the film magazine Films and Filming also appeared in the culture and film magazine Little Joe and is available as a PDF.


Justin Bengry, Matt Cook, Alison Oram, eds, Locating Queer Histories: places and traces across the UK (London: Bloomsbury, 2022).

Justin Bengry, Matt Cook, Rebecca Jennings, E-J Scott, eds, National Treasures: A Queer Scrapbook of the UK  and Ireland (Under contract with Manchester University Press)

The Pink Pound: Capitalism and Homosexuality in Twentieth-Century Britain (Under contract with the University of Chicago Press)

Articles and Chapters:

‘The Queer Resistance of Being Seen’, in Resistance, edited by Steve McQueen. Forthcoming.

‘Queer Sculptures: The Complete Marbles’ in Marc Quinn: Self, You, and the World (Rizzoli, 2024), 97-110.

‘The Queer History of Films and Filming’, in Little Joe: A book about queers and cinema, mostly, edited by Sam Ashby, 54-63. London: SBPH Editions, 2024.

‘Reflections on the criminalisation of sex between men in England and Wales’, IPPR Progressive Review 29 no. 3-4 (2022), pp. 211-218.

Can and should we queer the past?’, in What is History, Now? How the past and the present speak to each other, edited by Helen Carr and Suzannah Lipscomb, 48-65. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2021.

Pink Papers: The LGBTQ Press in Twentieth-Century Britain and Ireland’. In Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 3 (1900-2016), edited by Martin Conboy and Adrian Bingham, 483-501. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020. (With Alison Oram)

Who is the Queer Consumer? Historical Perspectives on Capitalism and Homosexuality’. In Consuming Behaviours: Identity, Politics and Pleasure in Twentieth-Century Britain, edited by Mark Crowley, Sandra Dawson, and Erika Rappaport, 21-36. London: Bloomsbury, 2015.

Profit (f)or the Public Good? Sensationalism, Homosexuality and the Postwar Popular Press’. Media History 20 no. 2 (2014): 146-66. Invited article for issue on sensationalism.

Films and Filming: The Making of a Queer Marketplace in Pre-decriminalization Britain’. In British Queer History: New Approaches and Perspectives edited by Brian Lewis, 244-66. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2013.

Queer Profits: Homosexual Scandal and the Origins of Legal Reform in Britain’. In Queer 1950s: Rethinking Sexuality in the Postwar Years, edited by Heike Bauer and Matt Cook, 167-82. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Peacock Revolution: Mainstreaming Queer Styles in Post-War Britain, 1945-1967’. Socialist History 36 (2010): 55-68. Invited article for special issue on Gender and Sexuality.

Courting the Pink Pound: Men Only and the Queer Consumer, 1935-1939’. History Workshop Journal 68 (2009): 122-48.

Select Online and Magazine Publications

‘Stonewall, June 1969: police raid a New York bar and spark the modern fight for LGBTQ rights’, BBC History Magazine, June 2019, 17.

In Britain, the Conservative Party’s “Gay Pardon” for the Dead Harms the Living,’ Slate, 25 October 2016.

Why I Oppose a General Pardon for Historical Convictions for Homosexual Offences,’ Pink News, 4 August 2015.

The Case of the Sultry Mountie: Doing Family History Queerly,’ Huffington Post, 24 June 2015.

Other writing:

I have written numerous book reviews that have been published widely in journals across across disciplines.

My writing on history and culture has appeared in several leading and international newspapers.