

Mapping for Justice

On 2 June 2015, I was an invited panellist talking about crowd sourcing and participatory mapping at ‘Mapping for Justice: Engaging Our Geographical Imaginations and Using the Power of Maps in Struggles for Social Change’

MappingforJustice_02.06.2015From drone strikes to racist attacks, from precarious labour to gentrification, how do maps help us understand injustice and illuminate struggle?

In this public showcase and discussion we explore how mapmakers engage our geographical imaginations and use the power of maps for social change. From oral history to twitter data-mining, our featured mapmakers use a variety of techniques to make injustice visible. Whether made with paper and pen or on open source platforms, maps can give way to new tactics and strategies for intervention.

This event was organised by Bournemouth University’s Civic Media Hub and The Tear Gas Research Connection, with Sue Pell & Paul Rekret at Richmond, The American International University in London

A Public Showcase & Discussion
2 June 2015, 6-8pm
Lecture Theatre, 17 Young Street, London, W8 5EH

Project Details


June 2015

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